Helpful Links
Marin Parents Place
Offers classes in parenting geared to children's developmental needs of all ages. 415-491-7959
Kid’s Turn
A non-profit organization helping families through parental separation and divorce. 415-777-9977
Bay Area Mediators and Collaborative Professionals
Offers divorcing couples a supportive team approach to divorce. Collaborative practice is a reasonable approach to divorce that encourages mutual respect between spouses leading to a more productive, easily established agreement between parties.
Masonic Center for Youth and Families
The Masonic Center for Youth and Families offers comprehensive psychological assessment and treatment. Services are offered on a sliding scale without compromising assessment or treatment. 1-877-488-6293
PACER – Post Adoption Center for Education and Research
Offers adoption resources, links, referrals, peer support groups for triad members, search and reunion resources and information on conferences, educational seminars and speakers.
MATRIX Resources for Parents and Professionals
Offers parent to parent support, training and information to parents with children who have special needs. Help Line: 1-800-578-2592